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Error Object Helper Functions

Error Object Helper Functions. More...


globus_bool_t globus_error_match_openssl_error (globus_object_t *error, unsigned long library, unsigned long function, unsigned long reason)
globus_object_t * globus_error_wrap_openssl_error (globus_module_descriptor_t *base_source, int error_type, const char *source_file, const char *source_func, int source_line, const char *format,...)

Detailed Description

Error Object Helper Functions.

The functions in the Error Object Helper Functions section deal with Globus error objects constructed with OpenSSL error data. These functions manipulate the generic globus_object_t representation of an OpenSSL error.

Function Documentation

globus_bool_t globus_error_match_openssl_error ( globus_object_t *  error,
unsigned long  library,
unsigned long  function,
unsigned long  reason 

Check whether the error originated from a specific library, from a specific function and is of a specific type.

This function checks whether the error or any of it's causative errors originated from a specific library, specific function and is of a specific type.

errorThe error object for which to perform the check
libraryThe library to check for
functionThe function to check for
reasonThe type to check for
Return values
GLOBUS_TRUEError matched
GLOBUS_FALSEError failed to match
globus_object_t* globus_error_wrap_openssl_error ( globus_module_descriptor_t base_source,
int  error_type,
const char *  source_file,
const char *  source_func,
int  source_line,
const char *  format,

Wrap the OpenSSL error and create a wrapped globus error object from the error.

This function gets all the OpenSSL errors from the error list, and chains them using the globus error string object. The resulting globus error object is a wrapper to the OpenSSL error at the end of the chain.

base_sourceThe module that the error was generated from
error_typeThe type of error encapsulating the OpenSSL error
source_fileName of file. Use FILE
source_funcName of function. Use _globus_func_name and declare your func with GlobusFuncName(<name>)
source_lineLine number. Use LINE
formatformat string for the description of the error entry point where the OpenSSL error occurred, should be followed by parameters to fill the format string (like in printf).
The globus error object. A globus_result_t object can be created using the globus_error_put function
See Also