Grid Community Toolkit  6.2.1629922860 (tag: v6.2.20210826)
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Implementing Servers

GASS Server Implementation. More...


typedef void(* globus_gass_transfer_close_callback_t )(void *callback_arg, globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener)
typedef void(* globus_gass_transfer_listen_callback_t )(void *callback_arg, globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener)


int globus_gass_transfer_create_listener (globus_gass_transfer_listener_t *listener, globus_gass_transfer_listenerattr_t *attr, char *scheme)
int globus_gass_transfer_close_listener (globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener, globus_gass_transfer_close_callback_t callback, void *user_arg)
int globus_gass_transfer_register_listen (globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener, globus_gass_transfer_listen_callback_t callback, void *user_arg)
int globus_gass_transfer_register_accept (globus_gass_transfer_request_t *request, globus_gass_transfer_requestattr_t *attr, globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener, globus_gass_transfer_callback_t callback, void *user_arg)
void * globus_gass_transfer_listener_get_user_pointer (globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener)
int globus_gass_transfer_listener_set_user_pointer (globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener, void *user_pointer)
char * globus_gass_transfer_listener_get_base_url (globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener)
int globus_gass_transfer_refer (globus_gass_transfer_request_t request, char **urls, globus_size_t num_urls)
int globus_gass_transfer_authorize (globus_gass_transfer_request_t request, globus_size_t total_length)
int globus_gass_transfer_deny (globus_gass_transfer_request_t request, int reason, char *message)

Detailed Description

GASS Server Implementation.

Implementing Servers

Another mode of using the GASS Transfer API is to implement data servers. The primary difference between the client and server parts of the GASS Transfer API are how requests are generated.

To implement a server, the user would call globus_gass_transfer_create_listener() to create a new server port on which a specific protocol will be used to request file transfer operations. The user may obtain the URL that the listener is bound to by calling globus_gass_transfer_listener_get_base_url().

Once the listener is created, the user can call globus_gass_transfer_register_listen() to wait for clients to connect to it. Once the server has detected an attempt to connect by a client, the use can call globus_gass_transfer_register_accept() to accept the connection from the client and parse the request.

In the callback associated with globus_gass_transfer_register_accept(), the server can decide how to process the request. The user may choose to authorize the request by calling globus_gass_transfer_authorize(), refer it to another URL or URLs by calling globus_gass_transfer_refer() or deny the client access to the URL by calling globus_gass_transfer_deny().

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* globus_gass_transfer_close_callback_t)(void *callback_arg, globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener)

Listener close callback

typedef void(* globus_gass_transfer_listen_callback_t)(void *callback_arg, globus_gass_transfer_listener_t listener)

Listen callback.


Function Documentation

int globus_gass_transfer_authorize ( globus_gass_transfer_request_t  request,
globus_size_t  total_length 

Authorize a request.

This function causes the request to be authorized for processing. It should be called in response to a request accept callback when the server wants to agree to process this request. After calling this function, the server implementation should call globus_gass_transfer_send_bytes() or globus_gass_transfer_receive_bytes() to send or receive the data associated with the URL.

requestA new request handle, passed to the server in an accept callback.
total_lengthFor a "get" request, the total_length of the file to be retrieved if known. This value may be GLOBUS_GASS_LENGTH_UNKNOWN if the protocol supports transferring arbitrarily-sized files.
Return values
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_INVALID_USEThe request handle was not valid, not created by calling globus_gass_transfer_register_accept(), or has already been denied or authorized.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe protocol module does not support authorizing requests.
See Also
globus_gass_transfer_refer(), globus_gass_transfer_deny()
int globus_gass_transfer_close_listener ( globus_gass_transfer_listener_t  listener,
globus_gass_transfer_close_callback_t  callback,
void *  user_arg 

Close a GASS listener.

This function calls the protocol specific function needed to close a GASS server listener port. Callbacks for any outstanding accepts will be called before the close callback is invoked.

listenerListener handle created by calling globus_gass_transfer_create_listener().
callbackFunction to call once the listener handle has been closed.
user_argArgument to be passed to the callback function.
Return values
GLOBUS_SUCCESSThe close operation was successfully registered on the listener.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_INVALID_USEThe listener handle was invalid.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZEDThe listener handle was not properly initialized.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_DONEA close has already been registered on the listener.
int globus_gass_transfer_create_listener ( globus_gass_transfer_listener_t *  listener,
globus_gass_transfer_listenerattr_t *  attr,
char *  scheme 

Create a new protocol-specific listener socket for a GASS server.

This function creates a new socket to listen for client connections as a GASS server. The listener handle pointer is initialized to contain the a new handle which can be used in subsequent server operations.

After calling this function, a user may call the globus_gass_transfer_register_listen() or globus_gass_transfer_close_listener() functions with this listener handle.

listenerA new listener handle to initialize.
attrProtocol-specific attributes for the new listener.
schemeThe protocol scheme to implement for the listener.
Return values
GLOBUS_SUCCESSThe listener was successfully created.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_NULL_POINTERThe listener or scheme parameter was NULL
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe scheme is not supported by any protocol module.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_MALLOC_FAILEDData structures associated with the transfer could not be allocated.
int globus_gass_transfer_deny ( globus_gass_transfer_request_t  request,
int  reason,
char *  message 

Deny a request.

This function causes the request to be denied for further processing. It should be called in response to a request ccept callback when the server wants to refuse processing this request for the client. After calling this function, the server implementation need do nothing further with the request handle.

requestA new request handle, passed to the server in an accept callback.
reasonA protocol-specific reason code.
messageAn informational message to be sent to the client.
Return values
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_INVALID_USEThe request handle was not valid, not created by calling globus_gass_transfer_register_accept(), or has already been denied or authorized.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe protocol module does not support denying requests.
See Also
globus_gass_transfer_refer(), globus_gass_transfer_authorize()
char* globus_gass_transfer_listener_get_base_url ( globus_gass_transfer_listener_t  listener)

Get the base URL of a listener.

This function queries a listener handle for the base URL which the server is listening on. For most protocols, this contains the protocol scheme, host, and port that the listener has registered itself on.

listenerThe listener handle to query.
This function returns a pointer to a string containing the base URL. This string must not be freed or modified by the caller. It may not be referred to after the function globus_gass_transfer_listener_close() has been called.
void* globus_gass_transfer_listener_get_user_pointer ( globus_gass_transfer_listener_t  listener)

Get the user pointer associated with a listener.

This function will query the listener's user_pointer field and return it's value.

listenerThe listener handle.
If the listener handle is invalid or the user_pointer's value has not been set, then GLOBUS_NULL will be returned. Otherwise, the value of the user pointer will be returned.
See Also
int globus_gass_transfer_listener_set_user_pointer ( globus_gass_transfer_listener_t  listener,
void *  user_pointer 

Set the user pointer associated with a listener.

This function will set the listener's user_pointer field. The pointer may be used to associate any pointer-sized data with a listener handle.

listenerThe listener handle.
user_pointerThe value of the user pointer.
Return values
GLOBUS_SUCCESSThe user pointer was successfully set.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_INVALID_USEThe listener handle was invalid.
See Also
int globus_gass_transfer_refer ( globus_gass_transfer_request_t  request,
char **  urls,
globus_size_t  num_urls 

Refer a request.

This function causes the request to be referred to another URL or list of URLs. It should be called in response to a request accept callback when the server wants to refer the client to another server or servers to process the request.

requestA new request handle, passed to the server in an accept callback.
urlsAn array of strings, each being a URL pointing to sources of the same data as the original URL.
num_urlsThe length of the urls array.
Return values
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_INVALID_USEThe request handle was not valid, not created by calling globus_gass_transfer_register_accept(), or has already been denied or authorized.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe protocol module does not support referrals.
See Also
globus_gass_transfer_deny(), globus_gass_transfer_authorize()
int globus_gass_transfer_register_accept ( globus_gass_transfer_request_t request,
globus_gass_transfer_requestattr_t *  attr,
globus_gass_transfer_listener_t  listener,
globus_gass_transfer_callback_t  callback,
void *  user_arg 

Accept new client connections.

This function causes the listener handle to accept a new connection on the listener and parse the file request. Once the file request has been parsed, the specified callback function will be called. The server implementation must then either authorize, deny, or refer this request.

requestA pointer to a new request handle. This request handle will be initialized when the callback function is invoked.
attrRequest attributes.
listenerThe listener handle to register for the new request.
callbackFunction to call when the protocol module has parsed the file request.
user_argArgument to be passed to the callback function.
Return values
GLOBUS_SUCCESSThe listen callback has been registered with the protocol module.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_INVALID_USEAn invalid listener handle was passed to this function.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZEDAn uninitialized listener handle was passed to this function.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERRORThe request could not be initialized due to some internal resource depletion.
GLOBUS_GASS_NOT_REGISTERED.The globus_gass_transfer_register_listen() function has not yet been called.
GLOBUS_GASS_ALREADY_REGISTERED.The listener is already processing a new request.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_DONEThe listener has been registered for closing.
See Also
int globus_gass_transfer_register_listen ( globus_gass_transfer_listener_t  listener,
globus_gass_transfer_listen_callback_t  callback,
void *  user_arg 

Listen for new client connections.

This function causes the listener handle to listen for new client connections. When one is ready, it calls the specified callback function, letting the server implementer continue to accept the connection and process the request.

listenerThe listener handle to register for new connections.
callbackFunction to call when a new connection may be accepted.
user_argArgument to be passed to the callback function.
Return values
GLOBUS_SUCCESSThe listen callback has been registered with the protocol module.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_INVALID_USEAn invalid listener handle was passed to this function.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZEDAn uninitialized listener handle was passed to this function.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_ALREADY_REGISTEREDThe listener has already been registered for a new connection.
GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_ERROR_DONEThe listener has been registered for closing.
See Also