Grid Community Toolkit  6.2.1566487665 (tag: v6.2.20190829)
Message Packing

Message Packing. More...


int globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request (int job_state_mask, const char *callback_url, const char *rsl, globus_byte_t **query, globus_size_t *querysize)
 Pack a GRAM Job Request. More...
int globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply (int status, const char *job_contact, globus_byte_t **reply, globus_size_t *replysize)
 Pack a GRAM reply message. More...
int globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply_with_extensions (int status, const char *job_contact, globus_hashtable_t *extensions, globus_byte_t **reply, globus_size_t *replysize)
 Pack a GRAM reply message with extension attributes. More...
int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_request (const char *status_request, globus_byte_t **query, globus_size_t *querysize)
 Pack a GRAM query message. More...
int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply (int job_status, int failure_code, int job_failure_code, globus_byte_t **reply, globus_size_t *replysize)
 Pack a GRAM query reply message. More...
int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply_with_extensions (int job_status, int failure_code, int job_failure_code, globus_hashtable_t *extensions, globus_byte_t **reply, globus_size_t *replysize)
 Pack a GRAM query reply message with extensions. More...
int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message (char *job_contact, int status, int failure_code, globus_byte_t **reply, globus_size_t *replysize)
 Pack a GRAM status update message. More...
int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message_with_extensions (char *job_contact, int status, int failure_code, globus_hashtable_t *extensions, globus_byte_t **reply, globus_size_t *replysize)
 Pack a GRAM status update message with extensions. More...
int globus_gram_protocol_pack_version_request (char **request, size_t *requestsize)
 Pack a GRAM version request message. More...

Detailed Description

Message Packing.

Function Documentation

◆ globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request()

int globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request ( int  job_state_mask,
const char *  callback_url,
const char *  rsl,
globus_byte_t **  query,
globus_size_t querysize 

Pack a GRAM Job Request.

The globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request() function combines its parameters into a GRAM job request message body. The caller may frame and send the resulting message by calling globus_gram_protocol_post() or just frame it by calling globus_gram_protocol_frame_request() and send it by some other mechanism. The globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request() function returns the packed message by modifying the query parameter to point to a new string containing the message. The caller is responsible for freeing that string.

job_state_maskThe bitwise-or of the GRAM job states which the client would like to register for job state change callbacks.
callback_urlA callback contact string which will be contacted when a job state change which matches the job_state_mask occurs. This may be NULL, if the client does not wish to register a callback contact with this job request. Typically, this value is returned in the url parameter to globus_gram_protocol_allow_attach().
rslAn RSL string which contains the job request. This will be processed on the server side.
queryAn output parameter which will be set to a new string containing the packed job request message. The caller must free this memory by calling free()
querysizeAn output parameter which will be populated with the length of the job request message returned in query.
Upon success, globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the query and querysize parameters to point to the values described above.
Return values

◆ globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply()

int globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply ( int  status,
const char *  job_contact,
globus_byte_t **  reply,
globus_size_t replysize 

Pack a GRAM reply message.

The globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply() function combines its parameters into a GRAM reply message body. The caller may frame and send the resulting message by calling globus_gram_protocol_reply() or just frame it by calling globus_gram_protocol_frame_reply() and send it by some other mechanism. The globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply() function returns the packed message by modifying the reply parameter to point to a new string containing the message. The caller is responsible for freeing that string.

statusThe job's failure code if the job failed, or 0, if the job request was processed successfully.
job_contactA string containing the job contact string. This may be NULL, if the job request was not successful.
replyA pointer which will be set to the packed reply string The caller must free this string by calling free().
replysizeA pointer which will be set to the length of the reply string.
Upon success, globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the reply and replysize parameters to point to the values described above. If an error occurs, an integer error code is returned and the values pointed to by reply and replysize are undefined.
Return values

◆ globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply_with_extensions()

int globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply_with_extensions ( int  status,
const char *  job_contact,
globus_hashtable_t *  extensions,
globus_byte_t **  reply,
globus_size_t replysize 

Pack a GRAM reply message with extension attributes.

The globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply_with_extensions() function combines its parameters into a GRAM reply message body. The caller may frame and send the resulting message by calling globus_gram_protocol_reply() or just frame it by calling globus_gram_protocol_frame_reply() and send it by some other mechanism. The globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply_with_extensions() function returns the packed message by modifying the reply parameter to point to a new string containing the message. The caller is responsible for freeing that string.

statusThe job's failure code if the job failed, or 0, if the job request was processed successfully.
job_contactA string containing the job contact string. This may be NULL, if the job request was not successful.
extensionsA pointer to a hash table keyed on a string attribute name with the hash values being pointers to globus_gram_protocol_extension_t structures. These will be encoded in the reply message after the standard attributes.
replyA pointer which will be set to the packed reply string The caller must free this string by calling free().
replysizeA pointer which will be set to the length of the reply string.
Upon success, globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request_reply_with_extensions() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the reply and replysize parameters to point to the values described above. If an error occurs, an integer error code is returned and the values pointed to by reply and replysize are undefined.
Return values

◆ globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply()

int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply ( int  job_status,
int  failure_code,
int  job_failure_code,
globus_byte_t **  reply,
globus_size_t replysize 

Pack a GRAM query reply message.

The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply() function combines its parameters into a GRAM status reply message body. The caller may frame and send the resulting message by calling globus_gram_protocol_reply() or just frame it by calling globus_gram_protocol_frame_reply() and send it by some other mechanism. The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply() function returns the packed message by modifying the reply parameter to point to a new string containing the message. The caller is responsible for freeing that string.

job_statusThe job's current job state.
failure_codeThe error code generated by the query. This may be GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the query succeeded.
job_failure_codeThe error code associated with the job if it has failed. This may be GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the job has not failed.
replyAn output parameter which will be set to a new string containing the packed reply message.
replysizeAn output parameter which will be set to the length of the reply message returned in reply.
Upon success, globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the reply and replysize parameters to point to the values described above. If an error occurs, an integer error code is returned and the values pointed to by reply and replysize are undefined.
Return values

◆ globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply_with_extensions()

int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply_with_extensions ( int  job_status,
int  failure_code,
int  job_failure_code,
globus_hashtable_t *  extensions,
globus_byte_t **  reply,
globus_size_t replysize 

Pack a GRAM query reply message with extensions.

The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply_with_extensions() function combines its parameters into a GRAM status reply message body. The caller may frame and send the resulting message by calling globus_gram_protocol_reply() or just frame it by calling globus_gram_protocol_frame_reply() and send it by some other mechanism. The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply_with_extensions() function returns the packed message by modifying the reply parameter to point to a new string containing the message. The caller is responsible for freeing that string.

job_statusThe job's current job state.
failure_codeThe error code generated by the query. This may be GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the query succeeded.
job_failure_codeThe error code associated with the job if it has failed. This may be GLOBUS_SUCCESS if the job has not failed.
extensionsA pointer to a hash table containing the names and values of the protocol extensions to add to this message.
replyAn output parameter which will be set to a new string containing the packed reply message.
replysizeAn output parameter which will be set to the length of the reply message returned in reply.
Upon success, globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_reply_with_extensions() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the reply and replysize parameters to point to the values described above. If an error occurs, an integer error code is returned and the values pointed to by reply and replysize are undefined.
Return values

◆ globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_request()

int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_request ( const char *  status_request,
globus_byte_t **  query,
globus_size_t querysize 

Pack a GRAM query message.

The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_request() function combines its parameters into a GRAM status query message body. The caller may frame and send the resulting message by calling globus_gram_protocol_post() or just frame it by calling globus_gram_protocol_frame_request() and send it by some other mechanism. The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_request() function returns the packed message by modifying the query parameter to point to a new string containing the message. The caller is responsible for freeing that string.

status_requestA string containing the type of query message to send, including any query parameters. The valid strings supported by GRAM in GT5 are:
  • status
  • register
  • unregister
  • signal
  • renew
  • cancel
queryAn output parameter which will be set to a new string containing the packed job query message.
querysizeAn output parameter which will be set to the length of the job query message returned in query.
Upon success, globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_request() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the query and querysize parameters to point to the values described above. If an error occurs, an integer error code is returned and the values pointed to by query and querysize are undefined.
Return values

◆ globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message()

int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message ( char *  job_contact,
int  status,
int  failure_code,
globus_byte_t **  reply,
globus_size_t replysize 

Pack a GRAM status update message.

The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message() function combines its parameters into a GRAM status update message body. The caller may frame and send the resulting message by calling globus_gram_protocol_post() or just frame it by calling globus_gram_protocol_frame_request() and send it by some other mechanism. The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message() function returns the packed message by modifying the reply parameter to point to a new string containing the message. The caller is responsible for freeing that string.

job_contactThe job contact string associated with the job.
statusThe job's current job state.
failure_codeThe error associated with this job request if the status value is GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED.
replyAn output parameter which will be set to a new string containing the packed status message. The caller must free this memory by calling free()
replysizeAn output parameter which will be set to the length of the status message returned in reply.
Upon success, globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the reply and replysize parameters as described above. If an error occurs, an integer error code is returned and the values pointed to by reply and replysize are undefined.
Return values

◆ globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message_with_extensions()

int globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message_with_extensions ( char *  job_contact,
int  status,
int  failure_code,
globus_hashtable_t *  extensions,
globus_byte_t **  reply,
globus_size_t replysize 

Pack a GRAM status update message with extensions.

The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message_with_extensions() function combines its parameters into a GRAM status update message body. The caller may frame and send the resulting message by calling globus_gram_protocol_post() or just frame it by calling globus_gram_protocol_frame_request() and send it by some other mechanism. The globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message_with_extensions() function returns the packed message by modifying the reply parameter to point to a new string containing the message. The caller is responsible for freeing that string.

job_contactThe job contact string associated with the job.
statusThe job's current job state.
failure_codeThe error associated with this job request if the status value is GLOBUS_GRAM_PROTOCOL_JOB_STATE_FAILED.
extensionsA pointer to a hash table keyed by extension attribute names with the values being pointers to globus_gram_protocol_extension_t structures.
replyAn output parameter which will be set to a new string containing the packed status message. The caller must free this memory by calling free()
replysizeAn output parameter which will be set to the length of the status message returned in reply.
Upon success, globus_gram_protocol_pack_status_update_message_with_extensions() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the reply and replysize parameters as described above. If an error occurs, an integer error code is returned and the values pointed to by reply and replysize are undefined.
Return values

◆ globus_gram_protocol_pack_version_request()

int globus_gram_protocol_pack_version_request ( char **  request,
size_t *  requestsize 

Pack a GRAM version request message.

The globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request() function creates a copy of the GRAM version request. The caller may frame and send the resulting message by calling globus_gram_protocol_post() or just frame it by calling globus_gram_protocol_frame_request() and send it by some other mechanism. The globus_gram_protocol_pack_version_request() function returns the packed message by modifying the request parameter to point to a new string containing the message. The caller is responsible for freeing that string.

requestAn output parameter which will be set to a new string containing the packed version request message. The caller must free this memory by calling free().
requestsizeAn output parameter which will be populated with the length of the version request message returned in query.
Upon success, globus_gram_protocol_pack_job_request() returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS and modifies the request and requestsize parameters to point to the values described above. If an error occurs, globus_gram_protocol_pack_version_request() returns an integer error code and the values pointed to by request and requestsize are undefined.
Return values