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Grid Community Forum

Community-based support for core software packages in grid computing


The Grid Community Forum (GridCF) is a global community that provides support for core grid software.

Specifically, the GridCF is attempting to support a software stack christened the Grid Community Toolkit (GCT). The GCT is an open-source fork of the venerable Globus Toolkit created by the Globus Alliance. The GCT is derived from the Globus Toolkit, but is not the Globus Toolkit. Further, the GridCF is not a part of the Globus Alliance.

The GridCF is a nascent organization: we are looking for energetic contributors across a broad range of technical skills. Check out our governance doc and join us on GitHub!


The creation of the GridCF and the GCT fork of the Globus Toolkit was motivated by the announcement of the upcoming end-of-support of the Globus Toolkit in January 2018.

With this effort, we aim to:


To get in touch with us - or even better - to get involved, participate in the discussions or start a new discussion on our general mailing list hosted by EGI.

For patches or to report non-confidential problems, please make a pull request or use the respective issue trackers in our projects gct and gct-docs on GitHub.

If you would like to make the GridCF aware of a security problem in a discreet manner, send an email to


For release and general announcements please subscribe to our announcement list hosted by EGI.


GCT version 6.2.20201212 (maintenance release)

The GridCF is pleased to announce a new release of the GCT: GCT version 6.2.20201212 is a maintenance release and includes all changes since the last maintenance release in September 2019.

Packages are available from:

All details about this release can also be found on the corresponding GitHub releases page


The GridCF adopts the UberFTP client created by Jason Alt and takes over maintenance. The next release will be version 2.9.


GCT version 6.2.20190906 (maintenance release)

The GridCF is pleased to announce a new release of the GCT: GCT version 6.2.20190906 is a maintenance release and includes all changes since the last maintenance release in February 2019.

Packages are available from:

NOTICE: As a preview, packages (excluding gsi-openssh) are also available from the OpenSUSE Build Service (for SLES 12 (SP2), 12 (SP3), 12 (SP4), 15, 15 (SP1) and OpenSUSE Leap 15.0, 15.1 and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed). To install follow these exemplary instructions for the globus-common package (which are also valid for the other packages).

All details about this release can also be found on the corresponding GitHub releases page


GCT version 6.2.20190226 (maintenance release)

The GridCF is pleased to announce a new release of the GCT: GCT version 6.2.20190226 is a maintenance release and includes all changes since the first GCT 6.2 release in November 2018.

Packages are available from:

NOTICE: As a preview, packages (excluding gsi-openssh) are also available from the OpenSUSE Build Service (for SLES 12 (SP3), 12 (SP4), 15 and OpenSUSE Leap 15.0, 15.1 and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed). To install follow these exemplary instructions for the globus-common package (which are also valid for the other packages).

All details about this release can also be found on the corresponding GitHub releases page


GCT version 6.2.20181115 (first 6.2 release)

The GridCF is pleased to announce the release of the GCT version 6.2.20181115, the first GCT 6.2 release.

Packages are available from:

NOTICE: As a preview, packages (excluding gsi-openssh) are now also available from the OpenSUSE Build Service (for SLES 12 (SP3), 12 (SP4), 15 and OpenSUSE Leap 15.0, 15.1 and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed). To install follow these exemplary instructions for the globus-common package (which are also valid for the other packages).

All details about this release can also be found on the corresponding GitHub releases page


Grid Community Toolkit packages are now available in Fedora 29 stable, too.


Grid Community Toolkit packages are now available in EPEL stable and Fedora 28 stable.


Package updates based on the Grid Community Toolkit are now available in EPEL testing, Fedora updates testing and Debian unstable and testing.