
The Grid Community Toolkit documentation was taken from the Globus Toolkit 6.0 documentation. As a result, there may be inaccuracies and outdated information. Please report any problems to the Grid Community Forums as GitHub issues.

GCTAdmin Manuals → GCT 6.2 Quickstart


This is a quickstart that shows a full installation of the Toolkit on two Fedora Linux machines, named elephant and donkey. It shows the installation of prereqs, installation of the toolkit, creation of certificates, and configuration of services. It is designed to supplement the main admin guide, Scenarios are shown for running GridFTP and GRAM5 services, and using GridFTP and GRAM clients.

Typographical Conventions

Where there is a command to be typed, it will be preceded by one of the following prompts:

root# , root@donkey#

Run this command as the root super-user, on the elephant or donkey hosts respectively. You might have to use a command like su(8) or sudo(8) to start a root shell before executing the command.


Run this command as the myproxy user, on the elephant host. This user is created automatically when the myproxy-server package is installed.

quser% , quser@donkey%

Run this command as the normal user account you are intending to interact with your GCT sevices, on the elephant or donkey hosts. In this document, we use the quser accout for this, but if you have another user, you can use it for that purpose.

Commands themselves will be typeset as run-this-command -with-arguments, and responses to the commands like this Some Response Text. If there is some portion of a command which should be replaced by value, such as a version number, it will be typeset like this: REPLACEME.

Finally, in some cases you will be prompted for a passphrase. When that occurs, the entry of the passphrase will be indicated by ******, even though nothing will be printed to the screen.


We distribute the Grid Community Toolkit 6.2 as a set of RPM and Debian packages for Linux systems, as an installable package for Mac OS X, as a .zip file for Windows and Cygwin, as well as a source installer which can be used on other operating systems. In this quickstart, we will be installing RPM packages. Thus, it is a prerequisite for following this quickstart that you are running a distribution for which we provide RPMs. If you are running a supported Debian or Ubuntu system, the process is very similar, but you’ll need to use the apt-get or similar tools to install the packages. For the source installer, there is more work involved, and you’ll need to consult the full installation guide.

First, we will to set up our system to use the Globus package repository. This repository contains the GCT software packages, signed by our build manager. We provide RPM and Debian packages that contain a source configuration file and the public key which can be used to verify the packages. If your distribution has GCT 6.2 packages within its repository, you can skip to the next section.

The globus toolkit package repo RPM can be downloaded from the repo RPM package on

To install binary RPMs, download the globus-toolkit-repo package from the link above and install it with the command:

root# rpm -hUv globus-toolkit-repo-latest.noarch.rpm

The globus toolkit package repo Debian file can be downloaded from the repo Debian package on

To install Debian or Ubuntu package, download the globus-toolkit-repo package from the link above and install it with the command:

root# dpkg -i globus-toolkit-repo_latest_all.deb

Once you’ve installed the Globus repository package, you can use your operating system’s packaging tools: yum or apt-get, to install the Globus components.


For operating systems based on RHEL (such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Scientific Linux), the compatible EPEL repository must be enabled before installing myproxy. For OS versions 5.x, install the EPEL 5 package, and for OS version 6.x, use 6 package. For information about installing these, see the EPEL FAQ. This step is not needed for Fedora, Debian, or Ubuntu systems.


For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server systems which will be using globus-connect-server, a newer version of apache2 must be installed in order for myproxy-oauth to work. This is available by adding the Apache2 and Apache2 Modules for SLES11 repositories from These can be installed by running these commands:

root# zypper ar
root# zypper ar
root# rpm --import
root# rpm --import

Setting up the first machine (GridFTP, GRAM, and MyProxy services)

Installing the Toolkit

Install packages:

root# yum install globus-gridftp globus-gram5 globus-gsi myproxy \
    myproxy-server myproxy-admin

This will install the GridFTP, GRAM, and MyProxy services, as well as set up a basic SimpleCA so that you can issue security credentials for users to run the GCT services.


For Debian and Ubuntu systems, use apt-get or aptitude or another package manager to install the same packages as in the yum command above.

Setting up security on your first machine

The Grid Community Toolkit uses X.509 certificates and proxy certificates to authenticate and authorize grid users. For this quickstart, we use the GCT SimpleCA tools to manage our own Certificate Authority, so that we don’t need to rely on any external entitty to authorize our grid users.


In many deployment scenarios, certificates for both services and users are obtained through one or more third party CAs. In such scenarios, it is unnecessary to use SimpleCA or MyProxy to issue certificates. Since this quickstart is intended to describe a simple, standalone deployment scenario, we describe how to use these tools to issue your own certificates.

When the globus-simple-ca package is installed, it will automatically create a new Certificate Authority and deploy its public certificate into the globus trusted certificate directory. It will also create a host certificate and key, so that the GCT services will be able to run.

We’ll also need to copy the host certificate and key into place so that the myproxy service can use it as well.

root# install -o myproxy -m 644 \
    /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem \
root# install -o myproxy -m 600 \
    /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem \

Creating a MyProxy Server

We are going to create a MyProxy server on elephant, following the instructions at This will be used to store our user’s certificates. In order to enable myproxy to use the SimpleCA, modify the /etc/myproxy-server.config file, by uncommenting every line in the section file, by uncommenting every line in the section Complete Sample Policy #1 such that section looks like this myproxy configuration:

# Complete Sample Policy #1 - Credential Repository
# The following lines define a sample policy that enables all
# myproxy-server credential repository features.
# See below for more examples.
accepted_credentials       "*"
authorized_retrievers      "*"
default_retrievers         "*"
authorized_renewers        "*"
default_renewers           "none"
authorized_key_retrievers  "*"
default_key_retrievers     "none"
trusted_retrievers         "*"
default_trusted_retrievers "none"
cert_dir /etc/grid-security/certificates

We’ll next add the myproxy user to the simpleca group so that the myproxy server can create certificates.

root# usermod -a -G simpleca myproxy

Start the myproxy server:

root# service myproxy-server start
Starting myproxy-server (via systemctl):                   [  OK  ]

For Debian and Ubuntu systems, use the invoke-rc.d command in place of service.

Check that it is running:

root# service myproxy-server status
myproxy-server.service - LSB: Startup the MyProxy server daemon
	  Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/myproxy-server)
	  Active: active (running) since Fri, 02 Nov 2012 09:07:51 -0400; 1min 20s ago
	 Process: 1205 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/myproxy-server start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
	  CGroup: name=systemd:/system/myproxy-server.service
		  └ 1214 /usr/sbin/myproxy-server -s /var/lib/myproxy

Nov 02 09:07:51 runuser[1210]: pam_unix(runuser:session):...
Nov 02 09:07:51 myproxy-server[1212]: myproxy-server v5.9...
Nov 02 09:07:51 myproxy-server[1212]: reading configurati...
Nov 02 09:07:51 myproxy-server[1212]: usage_stats: initia...
Nov 02 09:07:51 myproxy-server[1212]: Socket bound to 0.0...
Nov 02 09:07:51 myproxy-server[1212]: Starting myproxy-se...
Nov 02 09:07:51 runuser[1210]: pam_unix(runuser:session):...
Nov 02 09:07:51 myproxy-server[1205]: Starting myproxy-se...

The important thing to see in the above is that the process is in the active (running) state. [NOTE]

For other Linux distributions which are not using systemd, the output will be different. You should still see some information indicating the service is running.

As a final sanity check, we’ll make sure the myproxy TCP port 7512 is in use via the netstat command:

root# netstat -an | grep 7512
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN

User Credentials

We’ll need to specify a full name and a login name for the user we’ll create credentials for. We’ll be using the QuickStart User as the user’s name and quser as user’s account name. You can use this as well if you first create a quser unix account. Otherwise, you can use another local user account. Run the myproxy-admin-adduser command as the myproxy user to create the credentials. You’ll be prompted for a passphrase, which must be at least 6 characters long, to encrypt the private key for the user. You must communicate this passphrase to the user who will be accessing this credential. He can use the myproxy-change-passphrase command to change the passphrase.

The command to create the myproxy credential for the user is

root# su - -s /bin/sh myproxy
myproxy% PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin
myproxy% myproxy-admin-adduser -c "QuickStart User" -l quser
Legacy library will be removed from the Perl core distribution in the next major release. Please install it from the CPAN distribution Perl4::CoreLibs. It is being used at /usr/sbin/myproxy-admin-adduser, line 42.
Enter PEM pass phrase: ******
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:******

The new signed certificate is at: /var/lib/globus/simple_ca/newcerts/02.pem

using storage directory /var/lib/myproxy
Credential stored successfully
Certificate subject is:
/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/ User

User Authorization

Finally, we’ll create a grid map file entry for this credential, so that the holder of that credential can use it to access globus services. We’ll use the grid-mapfile-add-entry program for this. We need to use the exact string from the output above as the parameter to the -dn command-line option, and the local account name of user to authorize as the parameter to the -ln command-line option.

root# grid-mapfile-add-entry -dn \
    "/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/ User" \
    -ln quser
Modifying /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile ...
/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile does not exist... Attempting to create /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
New entry:
"/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/ User" quser
(1) entry added

Setting up GridFTP

Now that we have our host and user credentials in place, we can start a globus service. This set up comes from the GridFTP Admin Guide.

Start the GridFTP server:

root# service globus-gridftp-server start
Started GridFTP Server                                     [  OK  ]

Check that the GridFTP server is running and listening on the gridftp port:

root# service globus-gridftp-server status
GridFTP Server Running (pid=20087)
root# netstat -an | grep 2811
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN

Now the GridFTP server is waiting for a request, so we’ll generate a proxy from the myproxy service by using myproxy-logon and then copy a file from the GridFTP server with the globus-url-copy command. We’ll use the passphrase used to create the myproxy credential for quser.

quser% myproxy-logon -s elephant
Enter MyProxy pass phrase: ******
A credential has been received for user quser in /tmp/x509up_u1001
quser% globus-url-copy gsi \
quser% diff /tmp/quser.test.copy /etc/group

At this point, we’ve configured the myproxy and GridFTP services and verified that we can create a security credential and transfer a file. If you had trouble, check the security troubleshooting section in the Security Admin Guide. Now we can move on to setting up GRAM5 resource management.

Setting up GRAM5

Now that we have security and GridFTP set up, we can set up GRAM for resource management. There are several different Local Resource Managers (LRMs) that one could configure GRAM to use, but this guide will explain the simple case of setting up a "fork" jobmanager, without auditing. For details on all other configuration options, and for reference, you can see the GRAM5 Admin Guide. The GRAM service will use the same host credential as the GridFTP service, and is configured by default to use the fork manager, so all we need to do now is start the service.

Start the GRAM gatekeeper:

root# service globus-gatekeeper start
Started globus-gatekeeper                                  [  OK  ]

We can now verify that the service is running and listening on the GRAM5 port:

root# service globus-gatekeeper status
globus-gatekeeper is running (pid=20199)
root# netstat -an | grep 2119
tcp6       0      0 :::2119                 :::*                    LISTEN

The gatekeeper is set up to run, and is ready to authorize job submissions and pass them on to the fork job manager. We can now run a couple of test jobs:

quser% myproxy-logon -s elephant
Enter MyProxy pass phrase: ******
A credential has been received for user quser in /tmp/x509up_u1001.
quser% globus-job-run elephant /bin/hostname
quser% globus-job-run elephant /usr/bin/whoami

If you had trouble, check the security troubleshooting section in the Security Admin Guide. To learn more about using GRAM 5, take a look at the GRAM User’s Guide.

Setting up your second machine

Alas, it’s not much of a grid with just one machine. So let’s start up on another machine and add it to this little test grid.

Setting up your second machine: Prereqs

See Prereqs.

Setting up your second machine: Installation

Install packages as before:

root@donkey# yum install globus-gridftp myproxy globus-gram5

Setting up your second machine: Security

Now let’s get security set up on the second machine. We’re going to trust the original simpleCA to this new machine; there’s no need to create a new one. First, we’ll bootstrap trust of the SimpleCA running on elephant:

root@donkey# myproxy-get-trustroots -b -s elephant
Bootstrapping MyProxy server root of trust.
New trusted MyProxy server: /O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/
New trusted CA (e3d1c34d.0): /O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/ Simple CA
Trust roots have been installed in /etc/grid-security/certificates/.

This allows clients and services on donkey to trust certificates which are signed by the CA on elephant machine. If we weren’t going to run any GCT services on donkey, then we could stop here. Users on donkey could acquire credentials using the myproxy-logon command and perform file transfers and execute jobs using the globus-url-copy and globus-job-run commands. However, we’ll continue to configure the GridFTP and GRAM5 services on donkey as well.

We’re going to create the host certificate for donkey, but we create it on elephant, so that we don’t have to copy the certificate request between machines. The myproxy-admin-addservice command will prompt for a passphrase for this credential. We will use this passphrase to retrieve the credential on donkey.

myproxy% myproxy-admin-addservice -c "" -l donkey
Legacy library will be removed from the Perl core distribution in the next major release. Please install it from the CPAN distribution Perl4::CoreLibs. It is being used at /sbin/myproxy-admin-addservice, line 42.
Enter PEM pass phrase:******
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:******

The new signed certificate is at: /var/lib/globus/simple_ca/newcerts/03.pem

using storage directory /var/lib/myproxy
Credential stored successfully
Certificate subject is:

Next we’ll retrieve the credential on donkey as the root user.

root@donkey# myproxy-retrieve -s elephant -k -l donkey
Enter MyProxy pass phrase: ******
Credentials for quser have been stored in
/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem and

At this point, we no longer need to have donkey's host certificate on elephant's myproxy server, so we’ll delete it.

root@donkey# myproxy-destroy -s elephant -k -l donkey
MyProxy credential '' for user donkey was successfully removed.

And as a final setup, we’ll add quser’s credential to the grid-mapfile on donkey, so that the quser account can access services there as well.

root@donkey# grid-mapfile-add-entry -dn \
    "/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/ User" \
    -ln quser
Modifying /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile ...
/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile does not exist... Attempting to create /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
New entry:
"/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/ User" quser
(1) entry added

At this point, we have set up security on donkey to trust the CA on elephant. We have created a host certificate for donkey so that we can run GCT services on donkey, and we have enabled the quser account to use services on donkey. The last thing to do is to turn on the GCT services on donkey.

Setting up your second machine: GridFTP

GridFTP set up on the second machine is identical to the first. I’ll just list the commands here; see Setting up GridFTP for additional information.

root@donkey# service globus-gridftp-server start
Started GridFTP Server                                     [  OK  ]

Now we can test it.

First, we’ll retrieve a proxy credential from the myproxy server so that the user on donkey can interact with the GCT services. Here we’ll use the same passphrase as we used to create the quser credential.

quser@donkey% myproxy-logon -s elephant
Enter MyProxy pass phrase: ******
A credential has been received for user quser in /tmp/x509up_u1001.

Next we’ll transfer a file between the gridftp servers on donkey and elephant:

quser@donkey% globus-url-copy gsi \

That was a slightly more complicated test than we ran on elephant earlier. In this case, we did a third-party transfer between two GridFTP servers. It worked, so I have the local and remote security configured correctly.

If you run into problems, perhaps you have a firewall between the two machines? GridFTP needs to communicate on data ports, not just port 2811. The error for this condition looks like:

error: globus_ftp_client: the server responded with an error
500 500-Command failed. : callback failed.
500-globus_xio: Unable to connect to
500-globus_xio: System error in connect: No route to host
500-globus_xio: A system call failed: No route to host
500 End.

You can set up a range of ports to be open on the firewall and configure GridFTP to use them. See the GridFTP admin firewall doc.

Setting up your second machine: GRAM5

Now we can submit a staging job. This job will copy the /bin/echo program from donkey to a file called /tmp/my_echo. Then it runs it with some arguments, and captures the stderr/stdout. Finally, it will clean up the . Then it runs it with some arguments, and captures the stderr/stdout. Finally, it will clean up the my_echo file when execution is done. file when execution is done.

quser@donkey% globus-job-run elephant \
    -x '(file_stage_in=(gsi /tmp/echo)) \
        (file_clean_up=/tmp/echo)' /bin/ls -l /tmp/echo
 -rw-r--r-- 1 quser quser 27120 Nov  2 09:56 /tmp/echo

This example staged in a file, had an executable act on that file, and cleaned up the file afterward.

You can get other examples of GRAM files from GRAM usage scenarios.


Hopefully this guide has been helpful in familiarizing you with some of the administration tasks and tools to use the Grid Community Toolkit. If you’ve reached this point successfully, you should have enough knowledge to enable additional hosts to use your grid by repeating the tasks in Setting up your second machine. Also, by repeating the tasks in User Credentials and User Authorization you can enable additional users to access your compute and data resources.