Grid Community Toolkit  6.2.1629922860 (tag: v6.2.20210826)
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Opening/Closing. More...


An XIO handle with the udp driver can be created with globus_xio_handle_create().

The handle can be created in two modes: open server or connected client. If the contact string does not have a host and port, the udp socket will accept messages from any sender. If a host and port is specified, the udp socket will be 'connected' immediately to that host:port. This blocks packets from any sender other than the contact string. A handle that starts out as an open server can later be 'connected' with GLOBUS_XIO_UDP_CONNECT (presumably after the first message is received from a sender and his contact info is available).

When the XIO handle is closed, the udp driver will destroy its internal resources and close the socket (unless this socket was set on the attr to globus_xio_register_open()).