Grid Community Toolkit  6.2.1566487665 (tag: v6.2.20190829)
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
globus_gram_client.h File Reference

GRAM Client API. More...

#include "globus_common.h"
#include "globus_io.h"
#include "globus_gram_protocol_constants.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  globus_gram_client_job_info_s
 Extensible job information structure. More...


 Default GRAM client operation attribute. More...


typedef void(* globus_gram_client_callback_func_t) (void *user_callback_arg, char *job_contact, int state, int errorcode)
 Signature for GRAM state notification callback functions. More...
typedef struct globus_gram_client_job_info_s globus_gram_client_job_info_t
 Extensible job information structure. More...
typedef void(* globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t) (void *user_callback_arg, const char *job_contact, globus_gram_client_job_info_t *job_info)
 Signature for GRAM state notification callback functions with extension support. More...
typedef void * globus_gram_client_attr_t
 GRAM client operation attribute. More...
typedef void(* globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t) (void *user_callback_arg, globus_gram_protocol_error_t operation_failure_code, const char *job_contact, globus_gram_protocol_job_state_t job_state, globus_gram_protocol_error_t job_failure_code)
 Signature for callbacks signalling completion of non-blocking GRAM requests. More...


int globus_gram_client_callback_allow (globus_gram_client_callback_func_t callback_func, void *user_callback_arg, char **callback_contact)
 Begin listening for job state change callbacks. More...
int globus_gram_client_info_callback_allow (globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t callback_func, void *user_callback_arg, char **callback_contact)
 Begin listening for job state change callbacks. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_job_request (const char *resource_manager_contact, const char *description, int job_state_mask, const char *callback_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void *register_callback_arg)
 Send a job request to a GRAM service. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_request (const char *resource_manager_contact, const char *description, int job_state_mask, const char *callback_contact, char **job_contact)
 Send a job request to a GRAM service. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_job_request_with_info (const char *resource_manager_contact, const char *description, int job_state_mask, const char *callback_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t callback, void *callback_arg)
 Send a job request to a GRAM service with extensions-aware callback. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_request_with_info (const char *resource_manager_contact, const char *description, int job_state_mask, const char *callback_contact, char **job_contact, globus_gram_client_job_info_t *info)
 Send a job request to a GRAM service and parse extensions in the response. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_job_cancel (const char *job_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void *register_callback_arg)
 Cancel a GRAM job. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_cancel (const char *job_contact)
 Cancel a GRAM job. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_job_status (const char *job_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void *register_callback_arg)
 Send a status query to a GRAM job. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_job_status_with_info (const char *job_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t info_callback, void *callback_arg)
 Send a status query to a GRAM job. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_refresh_credentials (char *job_contact, gss_cred_id_t creds)
 Delegate a new credential to a job. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_job_refresh_credentials (char *job_contact, gss_cred_id_t creds, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void *register_callback_arg)
 Delegate a new credential to a job. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_status (const char *job_contact, int *job_status, int *failure_code)
 Send a status query to a GRAM job. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_status_with_info (const char *job_contact, globus_gram_client_job_info_t *job_info)
 Send a status query to a GRAM job. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_job_signal (const char *job_contact, globus_gram_protocol_job_signal_t signal, const char *signal_arg, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void *register_callback_arg)
 Send a signal a GRAM job. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_signal (const char *job_contact, globus_gram_protocol_job_signal_t signal, const char *signal_arg, int *job_status, int *failure_code)
 Send a signal a GRAM job. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_registration (const char *job_contact, int job_state_mask, const char *callback_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void *register_callback_arg)
 Register a new callback contact to be notified for job state changes. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_callback_register (const char *job_contact, int job_state_mask, const char *callback_contact, int *job_status, int *failure_code)
 Register a new callback contact to be notified for job state changes. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_job_callback_unregistration (const char *job_contact, const char *callback_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void *register_callback_arg)
 Unregister a callback contact to stop job state change notifications. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_callback_unregister (const char *job_contact, const char *callback_contact, int *job_status, int *failure_code)
 Unregister a callback contact to stop job state change notifications. More...
int globus_gram_client_callback_disallow (char *callback_contact)
 Stop listening for job state change callbacks. More...
int globus_gram_client_job_contact_free (char *job_contact)
 Free a job contact string. More...
const char * globus_gram_client_error_string (int error_code)
 Get a description of a a GRAM error code. More...
int globus_gram_client_version (void)
 Return GRAM protocol version. More...
int globus_gram_client_set_credentials (gss_cred_id_t new_credentials)
 Set the default GRAM credential. More...
int globus_gram_client_ping (const char *resource_manager_contact)
 Send a ping request to a GRAM service. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_ping (const char *resource_manager_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_nonblocking_func_t register_callback, void *register_callback_arg)
 Send a ping request to a GRAM service. More...
int globus_gram_client_get_jobmanager_version (const char *resource_manager_contact, globus_hashtable_t *extensions)
 Get version information from a job manager. More...
int globus_gram_client_register_get_jobmanager_version (const char *resource_manager_contact, globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_gram_client_info_callback_func_t info_callback, void *callback_arg)
 Get version information from a job manager without blocking. More...
void globus_gram_client_debug (void)
 Enable GRAM debugging. More...
int globus_gram_client_attr_init (globus_gram_client_attr_t *attr)
 Initialize a GRAM client attribute. More...
int globus_gram_client_attr_destroy (globus_gram_client_attr_t *attr)
 Destroy a GRAM client attribute. More...
int globus_gram_client_attr_set_credential (globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, gss_cred_id_t credential)
 Set a GRAM client attribute's security credential. More...
int globus_gram_client_attr_get_credential (globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, gss_cred_id_t *credential)
 Get a GRAM client attribute's security credential. More...
int globus_gram_client_attr_set_delegation_mode (globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_io_secure_delegation_mode_t mode)
 Set a GRAM client attribute's delegation mode. More...
int globus_gram_client_attr_get_delegation_mode (globus_gram_client_attr_t attr, globus_io_secure_delegation_mode_t *mode)
 Get a GRAM client attribute's security credential. More...
void globus_gram_client_job_info_destroy (globus_gram_client_job_info_t *info)
 Free memory associated with a globus_gram_client_job_info_t structure. More...

Detailed Description

GRAM Client API.

This header file contains the exported client interface of the Resource Allocation Management System.